Меню: 19 комментариев

  1. Oneone:

    Вордпресс-кун, ну приведи уже страницу в порядок. Если влом самому пилить, возьми пасты. Ибо форсеры отправляют всех сюда, а обычный человек не вкурит о чем тут речь — все слишком специфично и по-двачевски.


    1. Два кубка и гравировку этому чемпиону.
      Вордпресс-кун ты сказочный долбоёб. Любой человек, пришедший сюда не с сосача, не поверит в эту кучу хуйни которую ты здесь понаписал. Перечитай треды, сверь факты еще раз и сверстай нормально уже.


      1. Åge:

        Блядь, у меня на работе ахтунг сейчас, пиши мне в личку или в тентакль, я тебе дам модерку, оформишь сам все. Либо ждите до завтра.


    1. Джек Питерсон:

      Не благодари.

      — Our guest journalist, programmer and designer — Arthur Levitan. Arthur, hello!
      — Good afternoon, Lillian.

      — You are very rarely gives interviews. How Come?
      — I do not like plague, and that I ask. Is that about Yuri Levitan increasingly began to tell. And it’s great.

      — We are following your career on television. But there are other areas with which you started your way in which you were also uspeshny- programming. How are things now? Many of your fellow programmers were very upset to learn that you are leaving the league.
      — I have not left the program. I still create and lead their own projects. I’ve never been involved in such as international student competitions, all my achievements are reduced to tournaments.

      — Why is so little information about the competition and what kind of tournaments?
      — It’s OK. There are several formats and levels. One of the most popular ACM ICPC — International competition among teams of students from leading universities in the world. Our students from St. Petersburg to successfully perform there. Fame gives the media, as you know. If the media did not say — it does not mean that it is not. Sometimes we learn such interesting things that have been around for more than 10 years, and get recognition. There is competition, of which little is written specifically and do it. I participated in a closed league, where invited experts in the field of cybersecurity. This is a private club, which consist of not more than 500 people from different countries; and all of them are far from the students. After a few wins I was invited to work in the security services.

      — We interviewed your opponent, so to speak, from the United States. He refused to give his name — all so seriously?
      — Thank God that this little writing. Fewer know — sleep tight. I do not even have the authority to tell as an organizer of the club and its program.

      — How to get into the club?
      — They sent me an invitation to the first year at university. It became interesting. Began to «google» — found nothing. Thought «divorce» what. Came to the meeting — no! To my surprise, there were several security officers, who were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Fill received an invitation to the tournament.

      — Several prominent leaders from the United States call you a hybrid programming. Then close the entry into the US. How Come?
      — Good question. Many are well aware that now there are so many organizations that are fighting in cyberspace. And since the media has made me more famous, then people naturally have questions about programming. I’m too much slander against the largest payment system, and they thought that I could hack it. I was removed from the tournament for two years. We had to close its design studio in San Jose. Was not an easy time, but what to do. My brains in Russia and I use them for our country. Incidentally, in 2015 I was going to Morocco coach, just to ACM.

      — So you did not participate in the ACM ICPC?
      — No. Food for the first time as a coach. Team competition is not my size. I used to be responsible for themselves.

      — You on the site and some of the resources that you have specified a six-time world champion in programming. Can I consider myself a world champion by participating in exclusive clubs, where six wins?
      — Six wins — six tournaments. I won all the titles in 3 years, every year for two of the tournament. Someone calls himself an athlete and someone lover. And it is the right of everyone.

      — Now you do not participate in the tournament?
      — No. Do not see the point. I’m not a robot, and I can not keep up everywhere. Tournaments serious stuff and it is necessary to prepare for them, a lot of reading and programming. I do not have time for this. I prepare the team and it is more important to me.

      — Who is in command?
      — Students from the University of Moscow. I will not name names — you’ll soon learn it yourself.

      — Why did you decide to train?
      — Knowledge to be shared. If you leave the knowledge itself — they die with you. Be sure to teach and move each other.

      — Do programmers are stronger than you?
      — Of course there are a lot of smart guys and basically
      from Russia, which
      leave me behind. In possible disciplines that I leave them. There can be long measure knowledge. Dozens of programming languages. It is impossible to know everything.

      — Can I offer you some programming jobs? Are ready to go?
      — Let’s try it!
      (after test)
      — You have answered all the questions correctly, but one! Happy?
      — Yes I Do? It’S Great! (smiles)
      — This is just a test of the tournament ACM ICPC, which we have prepared in advance.
      — (Laughter) Cool idea!

      — Last question: What do you wish to novice programmers?
      — Believe in yourself and work hard. There is no other way.


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